Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Lualhati Bautista Threatens To Sue Red-Tagging Commentor

Bautista's post tagging Jefferson's Facebook profile page.
Award-winning writer Lualhati Bautista, whose works include the literary pieces like "Dekada '70", and "Bata Bata Paano Ka Ginawa?" posted on her facebook to call out a man under the name of Jefferson Lodia Badong, red-tagging her in one the comments. This particular comment was captured in a screenshot which Bautista later posted in her facebook page.

On her post, she also said that she have talked to her lawyer for a possible cyber libel  case against Jefferson. This post got the attention of many and some even went to Jefferson's facebook page to comment. 

Shortly after her post, Jefferson posted an apology status asking the author for forgiveness and said he was a "fan" of her works.