Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Coronavirus tracking website denies "resurrected" data

The coronavirus tracking website denies any kind of information indicating that a certain individual indeed "resurrected" from COVID-19 in the Philippines.

A number of posts circulating in social media combines news reports with the logo, alongside with the Philippine coronavirus data, displaying a "1 Resurrected First World Record" at the lower rightmost portion. does not report people "resurrected" from the coronavirus disease. The tracking portal only reports the number of COVID-19 cases, recoveries, and deaths per country.

Saturday, July 25, 2020

Being Apart, Standing Together at the Mother of Online Free Concerts

Only four months ago, an online concert would have been an inconceivable idea, almost as inconceivable as a global pandemic, more inconceivable still is a free online concert like Tinig ng Bayan. With a talent lineup that would have been difficult to bring together even in pre-pandemic times, Tinig ng Bayan will probably be THE concert event of this time of adversity.

In the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we may not have flattened the curve yet, but time and again through it all, Filipinos have shown resiliency, perseverance, and even ingenuity. Thanks to COVID-19, we have learned to live, work and even have fun in different and even innovative ways. Perhaps the most ambitiously innovative concert in this time, the Tinig ng Bayan Concert will be a one of a kind testament to the indomitable Filipino spirit.